- Petawawa Legion Community Band - Guest Book
The Petawawa Legion Community Band
Guest Book

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Leif Karlsson (leifkarlsson44@gmail.com), writes from Toronto, ON (2009/07/09):

Hi. I was in the Guards band from 1963 until 1966. i often look at your web site as I love that whole area of Petawawa etc. My wife is from chalk River. I meet her while in the band. I often regret leaving the armed forces bands. I left in 1970. I wished I lived closer so maybe i could play with you guys. We havent been up that way for a while as the family farm in chalk was sold. Anyway it is nice to look at your pictures. I almost feel that I know your band members. Oh well, just thinking back a few years. Hope everybody is well and you continue playing and have lots of fun.

Donald Greenough (mountainmama@sunlite.ca), writes 
from Armstrong, B.C. (2007/06/27):

Would love to hear from anyone we knew in Petawawa, Ont.

Linda Harju (lharju@nb.sympatico.ca), writes 
from Fredericton, NB (2007/07/11):

Hello all. I really miss playing in the band. It was some of the best times in my life. Hope you are all doing well. Drop me a line to let me know how things are going. Take care.


Martin Anderson (martin.anderson@rbc.com), writes 
from London, ON (2007/03/19):

Great to see that you have developed a site for the PLCB. If you go to the photo section and check out the picture of the band from 1980, I am in the second row, second from the left. I was also there with my father and brother on the inaugral night with Dr. Gayfer. This picture brought back a lot of memories for me. How time flies. In London now, and just had a look at my trumpet for the first time in probably 10 years. Maybe I'll have a go at it again.

Take care all,
Martin Anderson

Dave Donovan (dave.donovan@elocas.com), writes 
from Victoria, BC (2005/09/07):

I was reading the obituaries for Pembroke (my old home town) and found that of Jim Gayfer. He was my band teacher at Champlain High School a long way back. I remember him fondly for kicking me out of class numerous times then allowing me to come in after class to make up the time. I will miss you Jim.

Take Care...,
Dave Donovan

Clare G. French (claref@ezlink.on.ca), writes 
from Mitchell, Ont. (2004/07/06):

Greatly enjoyed visiting your website!And it was nice to see some faces I could remember from a few years ago. Mitchell Legion Band is still going, but under new leadership - I still play with them, but with two other area bands as well. Best wishes for continued success!

Dan Climo (Climo.da@forces.gc.ca), writes 
from Arnprior, Ont. (2004/06/17):

Looking forward to meeting you folks at the community band day on Saturday. We'll be there with you!

Dan Climo
Valley Concert Band (Arnprior Legion)

Elaine Townsend (Leadston) (etown10@hotmail.com), writes 
from Kitchener, Ont. (2002/10/17):

I was browsing tonight and decided to look for my other brother, Wayne Leadston's website and I came across this. I am very proud of my brother, Ted as his siblings call him. I only wish his Mother could have seen this website. She just passed away June 20/03. If it was not for our Mother, Ted/Fred would not be where he is now. Ted, I am so very PROUD of you and what you have done with your life as a muscian. I was always so proud to watch the Canadian Guards playing in Ottawa and at Octoberfest here in Kitchener many years ago. Love your Sister, Elaine

Tom Overton (thomover@enoreo.on.ca), a former 
summer-season conductor of 
the PLCB, writes 
from Windsor, Ont. (2002/08/15):

This site brings back many happy memories. It's nice to see familiar faces on the web. I'm still in "the biz", directing community theatre in Windsor. (shades of the military pageant) I should have kept a jacket. :)

Paul Leadston (Paul.Leadston@ccra-adrc.gc.ca) writes 
from Ottawa, Ont. (2001/09/17):

I was pleasantly surprised to come accross your site and especially my father's (Fred Leadston)Bio. Thanks for doing that. I can finally tell him that he's on the Net.

Good job on the site.

writes from Winnipeg, Manitoba

Got this link from a band member. Was hoping to see more recent photos. But otherwise a nice website.

Kevin du Manoir
writes from Kingston, Ontario

Looking Nice Jeremy! I miss you guys. Hope that the band is doing well, and I look forward to playing again in the summer!

Jim Stutt
writes from Swan Creek NB

Just doing some "browsing" and found your page. Very impressive.A couple of names caught my eye, James Gayfer and Fred Leadston. I spent from 1960-1968 in the Guards Band as French Horn and Drum Major. Then to Ottawa(Central Band) and CFB Gagetown(RCR Band). Best of luck in your future endeavors.

Sharla Ciupak
writes from Beaumont, Alberta

After moving from the area and having to leave the band, it's nice to see 10 years later you're still going strong! Keep up the good work and best of luck in the new millenium!

Alex Madill
writes from Dunedin, New Zealand (98/05/11):

Excellent page.

Beatrice Biederman 
writes from Pembroke, Ontario (98/04/08):

Your home page looks great and the photo loads fairly fast. Didn't know that you could get your home page in colour through ValleyNet.

Ursula Matchett (co5683@nrtco.net)
writes from Petawawa, Ontario (98/04/08):

Great site. Nice to see Petawawa is starting to appear on the net.

Jim Gayfer Jr. (jimg@cmw.ca)
writes from Nepean, Ontario (98/02/24):

Good job, Jeremy! We haven't met but your Mom sent me the link. I'm looking forward to seeing the photo gallery in action. Verlie -- the history of the band is great. Keep in touch.

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